Mechanical events due to wear and tear are challenges that power plants and other industrial environments endure, becoming more common when operating during periods of high demand or beyond the standard operational life of the equipment. Reliability and performance have a direct connection to the condition of steam turbine parts, as well as how often they are inspected and maintained.

Potential issues such as a drop in the turbine’s output or other maintenance events may be related to the condition of current steam turbine parts. Prime Turbine Parts was built around the industry’s need for reliable and exceptional service that can ensure the proper operation of steam turbines from a variety of OEMs.

In addition, gas turbine parts are subject to higher temperatures than steam turbines, and thus this turbomachinery equipment can experience additional stress and an increased chance of a maintenance event during its operation.

Prime Turbine Parts works with power generation professionals to help understand the opportunity of proactively maintaining and replacing the following steam turbine parts and components:

Steam Turbine Parts


Steam turbines used in industrial operations endure constant forces that induce wear and tear in a variety of consumable parts.
Steam Turbine Parts

Major Valve Components

Operation issues related to steam control, stroke, or not shutting down properly may be signs of potential issues related to your steam turbine’s major valve components.
Steam Turbine Parts

Bearings and Seals

Just as in its gas turbine counterparts, steam turbine bearings and seals with a strong potential of wear and tear.

Prime Turbine Parts has direct knowledge of the dynamics, challenges and solutions available to ensure the optimal performance of steam turbines. Our access to steam turbine parts for GE® and other OEMs provides peace of mind to turbine operators who can depend on our reliable sourcing.

Contact Prime Turbine Parts to discuss your need for steam turbine parts or related equipment. Or if you prefer, start a conversation with our knowledgeable team by calling us at 518.306.7306.

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