Steam turbines used in industrial operations endure constant forces that induce wear and tear in a variety of consumable parts. Prime Turbine Parts helps customers who have immediate needs as well as those who don’t want to store and manage consumable parts inventory all year-round. We either stock or have access to reliable sources of consumable parts, supporting any power generation operation on short notice.

At Prime Turbine Parts, we stock or have access to these steam turbine consumable parts:

Prime Turbine Parts works fast on all requests for consumable parts, aiming to serve your industrial steam turbine maintenance needs with quality and service. We work with clients’ consumable parts replacement schedules and can provide best practices and other expert advice, based on our combined knowledge and experience with steam turbine equipment.

Contact Prime Turbine Parts to discuss your need for steam turbine consumable parts. Or if you prefer, start a conversation with our knowledgeable team by calling us at 518.306.7306.

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Prime Turbine Parts